
Avocet on parade

I was so excited when I heard that there were Avocets on one of the lakes at the RSPB Old Moor as they are such an iconic beautiful bird. So we set off as a family to see if we would be lucky (and patient enough) to see this beautiful elegant bird. We started off … Continue reading Avocet on parade

Meat-balls and Beetroot sauce.

I recently participated in a twitter thread whereby I was asked what my 6 favourite snacks were. One of my answers caused a bit of a stir. I happened to mention that I love Nachos with beetroot sauce. The sauce (up until now) has been a bit of a secret. It is so versatile; it … Continue reading Meat-balls and Beetroot sauce.

Inside Wm Lee Castings, Dronfield

Competition time So, when we heard about the competition Wm Lee were holding to name their 8 robots we knew we had to give it a go. The company were asking all the children of Dronfield to name the robots. The winners would be chosen and the robots would then be given their names. After which the children and their families would be given to opportunity to see their robot working at the foundry... this is a place that I have always been fascinated with. I know generally what a foundry does. I am aware that this area we are in has a long history of forges, foundries and steel but I never thought I would get the opportunity to see inside a factory with such a long history.

Longshaw Woodland Day 2019

A Day out in the Woods My eldest child is a volunteer with the Eastern Moors Partnership Youth Rangers. So when he decided to help out at the Woodland Day at Longshaw this year we decided to go along. We paid the £5 for an activity passport my daughter (8). All of the activities were then free (bar 2 which were well sign posted) and she could participate as many times as she wished. The day began at 11am and continued until 3.30pm. We got there as soon as it started and expected to leave by 1pm especially as the weather was extremely changeable. Fortunately we were well prepared however as we ended up staying until the very end.